Elements of Design: Size and Space by Kristi Dawn Riggs Upskilling

space as an element of design

Because they don’t touch and because each is dashed where it interrupts the space, the space can flow through, although it’s clearly more restricted in that flow. Even within the colored rectangular backgrounds, the text has enough space around it to be easily read and not to be mistaken for another category of text on the page. Figure and ground can enhance or detract from each other, and organizing the two in relation to each other is one of the more important aspects of design.

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Sensory tiles or intricately textured and patterned ones can serve as captivating wall art, elevating the kitchen’s aesthetic. However, if opting for textured tiles, it’s advisable to avoid placing them near the cooktop. The textured surfaces may trap cooking residue, making maintenance challenging over time, which is one drawback to consider.


It brings together lines, shapes, forms, values, and many of the principles we've already discussed. Proportion refers to the relative size and scale of elements in the design. It's essential for making things look three-dimensional and also adds direction and hierarchy.

space as an element of design

Principle of Consistency and Standards in User Interface Design

These spaces creates room to breath and users feel comfortable looking or exploring it. Next time, we’ll add more gestalt principles to the mix and explore how focal points, continuation and common fate lead us into ideas such as visual weight and compositional balance. The content on Phil Coffman’s website forms a single shape that sits in mostly empty space. The absence of many positive elements increases the importance of those that are present. The design of Tom Johnson’s Old Guard uses plenty of white space, giving text and other elements room to breathe.

It can transform a circle into a sphere or a square into a cube. The image above is mostly made up of shapes - from the large circle depicting the sun to the birds and the silhouette-like buildings. The lines in this image run in every direction, some parallel and others perpendicular to each other. They're also used to add details to the buildings and individual bricks to the wall.

space as an element of design

An appropriate balance between the two is vital for a room to feel well laid-out. One with more negative space will feel more spacious, larger and perhaps bigger – but too much negative space can also make a room feel under-furnished and impersonal. A room with too much positive space taken up can, on the other hand, feel crowded and over-furnished. The 7 elements of design are designed to help you balance an interior scheme so that the finished look is aesthetically pleasing, as well as functional. Hierarchy shows the difference in importance of the elements in a design. Colour and size are the most common ways we can create hierarchy — for instance, by highlighting a primary button, or using larger fonts for headings.

However, you can also achieve balance without symmetry — perhaps unsurprisingly, this is known as asymmetrical balance. We achieve asymmetrical balance when we arrange differently sized elements in a way that results in unity. We can imagine a centre point of the design and distribute the elements in a way that creates balance. Designers use principles such as visibility, findability and learnability to address basic human behaviors. Positive and negative spaceThe relationship of positive to negative space can greatly affect the impact of a work of art. In this drawing, the man and his shadow occupy the positive space, while the white space surrounding him is the negative space.

In graphic design, micro-spacing is essential because it contributes to the viewer's ability to read and easily understand the ideas conveyed within a piece. Micro-spaces also help to direct the viewer's attention towards essential elements in the design. Passive negative space, by contrast, occurs when the composition has equal amounts of positive and negative space.

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This comprehensive resource provides insights into the interconnectedness of design principles in various mediums. In graphic design, positive space refers to the objects used to fill the space and draw the viewer's attention, while negative space is empty space. Positive space often represents the main focal point of the composition in graphic design. Illusory space represents an essential component of graphic design that uses perspective and shadow to make an image seem three-dimensional on a two-dimensional surface.

You can waste space by trapping it inside elements of a design and not allowing it to connect to other space in the design. If every note or chord were played at the same time, you wouldn’t have music. Varying the pattern of sound and silence creates rhythm and melody.

Be trustworthy and credible – identify yourself through your design to assure users and eliminate the uncertainty. The perfect illusion of three-dimensional space in a two-dimensional work of art is something that many artists, such as Pieter Saenredam, labored to achieve. The illusion of space is achieved through perspective drawing techniques and shading. Also known as direction, movement uses elements to lead the eyes from one location to another.

It’s really useful for the basic functions of a site or app like readability and navigation. But making smart use of whitespace can drive to success of the product and make users happy in making the interaction with the product. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, make an effort to spend time observing how space is used in design. Learn to design space as much as, if not more than, positive elements. First is the connection between the use of space in design and the gestalt principle of figure-ground.

This use of large expanses of negative space helps to convey its own message, in addition to the message created by the positive space. Active negative space occurs when there is a large amount of white space that is intended to convey a message. Passive negative space occurs when there is balance between the positive and negative space.

Where emphasis draws the viewer's attention to specific elements in an obvious way, movement is more subtle. These are the principles of design to enhance your creative genius. If you've ever used Instagram to enhance an image, you'll have seen the highlight and shadow options.


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